Saturday, 27 July 2019

The pencil sharpener and the dragon.

Which came first?

Well, it was actually the game which is the reason there haven’t been any entries on here for a while.   There’s quite a bit of dragon action in the game and a shortage of a baby dragon for Bess to find. 

So out came the pastels and a lot of time was spent trying to find a sharpener which gave me a good point.  I ended up using the craft knife which, for me, isn’t ideal and so decided to buy a mechanical sharpener.  After some research on the internet, I settled on a Swordfish Ikon sharpener which, from the reviews, would work for pastels.

The sharpener duly arrived and I eagerly started sharpening up different pencils and was very impressed.  Unfortunately, one of the pastel pencils then showed their tendency to snap and left a lump of lead in the sharpener.  After some poking various implements into the slot to try and dislodge the offending lump of pastel, I again consulted the internet and found the instructions for taking the sharpener apart.  Perhaps the craft knife would have been quicker after all!

Anyway, that pastel pencil apart, it has put a lovely point on everything else I sharpened, including other pastel pencils, as the photo below shows. 

With a good set of points, I started my drawing of a baby dragon for Bess to find at a hidden location!