Thursday 31 October 2019

Pipes and Gears

The Big Quilt is nearing completion, and, while the last couple of hundred triangles are being quilted, I've been experimenting with pipes and gear motifs. 

For a change, I have pieced this patchwork using the machine, which is quick, but requires a lot of messing about to ensure accuracy. The pipes are also machine appliqued, and because of their long and floppy nature,  they were backed with interfacing. The result is quite stiff, so I probably won't be taking this any further. However, I will probably quilt it at some stage and add a few details - maybe some fish for those peeping cats!

I'm making cogwheels in varying quarters to eventually join up in a quilt. The left hand sample is appliqued through flannelette sheet under the background, giving it a much softer look and cutting out the need to quilt the whole thing when the blocks are joined.

Very heavy quilting on thick wadding means the applique really stands out on this sample. The cat and little owls are cut from printed fabric and sewn on with a narrow zigzag stitch, making them very puffy to the touch.

Monday 21 October 2019

Mice on the Move

Some members of the mouse family who had taken up residence in the ivy and were greatly enjoying the bird seed. Since the removal of their food source, they seem to have moved on, though I keep looking out for them because, as you can see, they were very charming. 

This one is undaunted by the disapproving face behind it.

Running round the tops of flower pots was a favourite occupation.

This one appeared to be quite young, and has the most beautiful gummy little feet! It spent a lot of time darting in and out of the plants before it was brave enough to nab a few seeds.