Sunday, 23 January 2022

Bratch Toll House 2

 I wasn't quite satisfied with my painting of the Bratch Toll House so I've had a second try which I started with a light, loose wash of quinacridone gold.  This set the scene for a more interesting sky and the rest of the painting followed on from there.  

Friday, 14 January 2022


 This is my watercolour of the toll house at Bratch Locks on the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal.

Sunday, 9 January 2022

September Bookmark

 The September bookmark is a reminder of the many spiders which were out weaving webs during that month. 

Friday, 7 January 2022

Happy New Year

I have made a New Year resolution to use up scraps, so my New Year's Eve job was to make a cheerful banner, hopefully reflecting a cheerful year to come! It is machine appliqued onto thick felt (which is why it sticks temporarily to the Woodland Quilt in the kitchen.) Every scrap is different, enabling me to get rid of some if the tiny bits that are still too good to throw out.

I've also been playing with scraps of fabric weaving, which give an effect I like very much. There's lots of little patches of this in the Woodland Quilt, but they all had the edges sewn down by hand which was very time consuming. I'm also trying to limit the amount of hand stitching to protect my hands. Therefore, I experimented with different ways of using the machine to secure the weaving. The beanstalk leaves were quick and fun to make - I have visions of a whole beanstalk growing somewhere in the house. 

The unfortunate collapse of the Christmas tree took its toll on a very old handmade angel, who was left with only a head and arms. She's been repaired with a cosy felt dress, decorated with chenille wool and tiny beads. 

This little chap comes from a kit by Corinne Lapierre and is currently in residence on the bookcase, awaiting some more members of his family.