Monday 26 August 2019

Felt Picture Experiment

When Sar and I visited the Goole open art exhibition we saw a piece created from felt with stitching to enhance the design.   I was quite taken with the idea and decided to give it a go. I based my simple design on a rock I picked up on our walk to Spurn Point, the rock is dark red and embedded with a lot of small shells. 

My design incorporated a ripple pattern to suggest the origins of the rock from the seaside and I needle-felted this onto a 4.5 inches square of red felt.

I did some trial runs to find the best way to transfer the design onto the felt.  The fluffy nature of the felt made it difficult to draw a clear line.  I found the best way was to draw the design on thin paper and tack this paper to the felt.  Then I stitched through the paper and the felt.

With the sewing complete, I carefully tore away the thin paper to reveal the pattern.

The final step was to fill in the shells, with felting, to cover the ripples showing within their outlines.

I enjoyed trying out this method on a simple design and, of course, now have plans for something more elaborate!

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