Sunday 16 May 2021

May Bookmark

 The May bookmark was based on a maypole but that does seem to have disappeared during the design process!  

The top of the design on the bookmark is based on an aerial view of a maypole with the yellow circle representing the maypole and and the 12 blue lines which form a flower shape are the ribbons.  To simplify the pattern I removed some of the ribbons at this point and then crossed over the ribbons to represent the pattern twisted round the maypole. 

I then decided it needed some more interest as the pattern progressed and as it now resembled Celtic Knotwork I added some Celtic Knot style flowers and reduced the number of ribbons on the way.  

I was pleased with the way the couching worked round the curves and I also used it for the lettering.  

I've also had a try out of using invisible thread to couch metallic thread and am looking forward to incorporating that in a future piece.  

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