Wednesday 15 April 2020

Getting there

Quilting has begun on the orange quilt. I'm going for an all-over close pattern, so that the felt wheels will stand out. The wadding is a triple layer of old flannelette sheet, tacked firmly in place so that it can be quilted without a hoop. 

While the quilting slowly progresses, I'm taking breaks on the sewing machine with another gears idea. This has been the most indescisive project ever! It started with 4-inch quarter wheels, which I decided were too big. They were chopped into 2-inch squares, and, at the same time, swapped from hand applique to machine. Then they lanquished for a while, but the other day I got them out, decided on an arrangement, and started tacking them onto backing cloth. Got fed up of that, and got out the good old fabric glue. Now I'm over-sewing all the raw edges with machine zigzag. At the moment, I'm thinking I won't bother to be too neat with the finishing, and I may add some more cats - spot him if you can!

Looking forward to a new project. Mum mentioned Hogweed the other day, and I thought I might make him a little moonlit landscape to wander about in. Hopefully, I will use up a good portion of the small scraps that are accumulating in the scrap box. At the moment, I'm just playing with ideas. 

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