Wednesday 20 May 2020

Pigeon Post

Here's one of the resident pigeons, well hidden among the leaves. The pair have been swapping over nest duty for about a week now, so probably another week or so to wait.

I've been working on a woodland theme, without too much of a plan. This little patch was woven to start with, but then I just kept adding bits I liked. At the moment all the edges are raw - the pieces are kept in place with very tiny backstitches. I'll probably oversew the edges by hand with embroidery silk.

Some more work on the woodlands theme. Once again, none of these patches have been finished off because I haven't figured out how I want to join them yet. The pale woven bits make a nice contrast to the bright blues, greens and oranges. At the moment, all the patches are spread out on my sitting room table, so I can fiddle them about into new combinations whenever the mood takes me.

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