Monday 15 June 2020

Catching Up

I've been busy stitching my grey wagtail and realised I haven't posted any progress reports. 

So here is the little grey wagtail from a design based on my painting in the previous post.  The background is chain-stitch created with the tambour needle and now I've had some practise I can work at a reasonable pace with it.  The bird is being stitched in a mixture of stem stitch and long & short stitch for the areas which need a colour change.  

I've also been doing a bit of drawing and here is a pencil drawing of St Marks from a photo I took sometime ago.  

The photos below were taken during May.

An early morning photo of canada geese on the reservoir.

A swallow watches as another lands on the rail next to it.  

The last 3 pictures show a moorhen looking for a place to nest.  It decided against this tyre in favour of somewhere more spacious!

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