Sunday, 24 November 2024

Dare you enter?

Last week we visited Grandma's comfy cottage with her washing on the line. But Grandma's neighbour
is a lot less welcoming. Here the Wicked Witch lives, in a cobwebby house with strange symbols on the door. Incy Wincy Spider has taken up residence on the roof, at least till the rain washes him down. The witch is out and about, wearing a enchanting gold swirled dress and casting spells with her magic wand. She's certainly up to no good.

Every Wicked Witch should have a black cat. This one has sneaked out of the house and popped next door to Grandma's cottage, where Little Red Riding Hood has foolishly left the basket outside. The cat doesn't look like he fancies the fruit cake, but there may be a jug of cream at the bottom of the basket. I'm sure Grandma is good-hearted enough to let him have a saucer full.

Someone else with a large appetite is Tiny Dragon, who lives in this cave. He has been catching fish in the river and had a bit of a feast. The little bat in the cave seems a bit worried that he might be next on the menu. Unfortunately, Tiny Dragon is not very houseproud; he has left his fishbones all over the floor, and his treasure is spilling out of the cave. 

Finally, we have the intrepid Mouse of Hickory Dickory Dock, perhaps out searching for cheese. He's on his way up the clock, but if we notice the time, he'll soon be on his way back down when the clock strikes one. Hopefully he won't run into the Witch's cat. 

There were lots of tiny bits to sew on this week, and I've spent a lot of time trying to get the invisible thread through the tiny hole of the beading needle, and, even worse, trying to undo the invisible knots. A little bit of witch's magic might have made it easier!


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