Sunday, 3 November 2024

Little Trolls

Behind the recent parade of witches, ghosts and other beasties, the Fairy Tale Quilt has been progressing slowly in the background. It has its own share of monsters, though in my magical world, they are all quite amiable and unlikely to eat you, even if you do trip-trap over their bridges. The troll finally has his face back on, and sports a good head of woolly hair and plaited beard. It looks like he's doing a bit of a dance, maybe because the goats are all far away on the other side of the quilt. 

There's also a dragon on the quilt, looking a bit pensive. He's modelled after a favourite family toy, complete with pom-pom eye, although nowadays the real Tiny Dragon is looking a lot more raggedy than this. The brown shape at the bottom of the picture is his cave. Perhaps I will sew him a bit of gold and other treasures inside it, to please his dragonish tendencies. 

By the look of his stomach, Tiny Dragon has certainly just eaten something!

I enjoyed sewing the curly leaf stems onto the beanstalk, once I had finally decided which thread to use. It's a green perle thread, which matched the ric-rac stalk, and I have couched it on, rather than try to stitch with it. 

Trolls are common in Scandinavian folklore and there are some beautifully drawn ones in this 
a collection of magical tales illustrated by John Bauer, a Swedish artist. Like the one on the book's cover, these trolls dress themselves in furs and trinkets, and look out of the pictures with curious eyes.  

It doesn't hurt to have a small troll pottering about the house. This one was bought from a shop in Norway, picked out of a huge tub filled with his identical siblings. I wonder if he was pleased to be chosen? At any rate, he has made himself at home on my shelf, and is quite fun to draw, when I'm in the mood for a bit of sketching.
Tiny Troll and Happy Apple

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